Russell Memorial offers worship services every Sunday morning at 10:00 in our sanctuary on 4th Street. Due to current conditions regarding COVID-19, we ask that people sit at least 6 feet from other guests not of the same family or household. Singing is mostly limited to worship leaders. Wearing of face coverings is strongly encouraged. Masks and hand sanitizer are provided at each entrance.
Online streams will initiate about 15 minutes before the service begins. Archives should be available within a few hours of the end of worship. You can watch services in the player below or view both live broadcasts and archived videos on the BoxCast app for Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, or Roku TV by downloading the app and searching for “Russell Memorial Methodist Church” or by going to our Facebook (Russell Memorial MC) or YouTube (Russell Memorial Methodist Church) pages by either following the links or searching for our name.
Pastor David Cartwright’s weekly sermon is now also available as a podcast called “Light for the Journey” which will be made available each Wednesday at noon. You can access an archive of the podcasts here or by searching “Light for the Journey” on iTunes, Google Play Music, or Spotify.